Tips for monitors in times of Covid
Tips for monitors in times of Covid
We have been in a month in which children's entertainment activities, camps and opening of children's spaces begin to restart their activity.
But for children's leisure professionals, more than all the accessories and hygiene and safety protocols, once internalized, what concerns them is the following:
How to energize a group without contact? How can I ensure they maintain a safe distance? How can I ensure that the little ones don't reject me because they don't see my full face? …how can we reassure those families who are still wary of this type of activities and services and their safety?
Today we give you some small tips to facilitate our work and the enjoyment of the boys and girls:
COMPREHENSION: The New Normal is new for everyone and we must adapt.
Listen to the concerns of the boys and girls, understand that they get overwhelmed with the mask to devise “rest” times together if necessary. (always outside and keeping distance).
Be flexible and respect the times and style of each boy and girl. in participating in games and activities.
Reflect at the end of the day about those attitudes and actions that have facilitated coexistence and those moments in which it is necessary to improve.
FORECASTING AND ORGANIZATION: When it comes to organizing groups and materials, the professional team Having all the necessary resources, measures, times and protocols is essential for the success of the activity. Each monitor must know well the spaces and the shifts of use, routes and materials for each participant in their group.
It has ready and disinfected materials for holding workshops. Before starting a workshop, each participant must have their specific materials in place, so that if there is any common material, the monitor will be the one to provide it with pre- and post-disinfection for use.
Each group must Know the rules of coexistence and safety throughout the activity. Our work will be maintain good communication with everyone involved in the activity and remember them always before excursions, games, grooming routines and coexistence.
PLAYFUL AND CLOSE ATTITUDE: A maxim that we must always keep in mind as leisure and educational professionals. Having a positive and happy attitude, transmitting enjoyment in the activity and game proposals will “infect” those around us with that desire to play and have a good time.
Be close, taking into account the appropriate security measures, It will make it easier for participants and families to trust us and our work, which will relax the atmosphere and facilitate everyone's adaptation to this new normality of the camps.
Although we leave it last, it may be a fundamental key and many professionals have told us that it was a challenge in the first days. Maintaining and transmitting calm to families, the security that everything is under control, is quite a challenge when we are facing doubts about how the group will internalize the rules, how they will relate to each other... how they will react to the new protocols and habits...
The organization and knowledge of all the programming and ways of proceeding, trusting the children's ability to adapt and having an understanding of the situation will facilitate the first days to maintain and transmit calm and confidence to all participants and families. .