Categories: Omni-leisure




Today in the world day of joy We want to share with you some tips and reflections so that making yourself happy is a daily task on your agenda and that you are aware of how day by day you are making your family and friends happy.

We are all capable of recognizing joy. That pleasant feeling that washes over us like a wave, runs through a large part of our body and ends up reflected in a big smile. This wave leaves pleasant endorphins in its wake that allow us to feel complete well-being; although unfortunately momentary. That is the negative part or perhaps what makes the joy great; since it is not a permanent state, is it?

Ancient thinkers like Marcus Aurelius already referred to the fact that perhaps it is not the circumstances that bother us but the interpretations we make of them. Is it possible that you have ever made an excessive judgment about a setback or simply an assessment that did not help much in its resolution? And could it have been the case that on some occasion you have not stopped to enjoy the joy that an event brought you?

Daniel Goleman is clear about it; Happiness is a thing of attitude. We are responsible for our happiness just as we are responsible for any attitude. And although it may sound dreamy, attitudes can be changed.

Basic gestures of joy such as laughter are appreciated by everyone as the social beings that we are. People with humor tend to be attractive to us for the simple fact that what makes us laugh makes us feel good and we want it in our lives.

Studies have shown that joy has very positive consequences on creativity, organization, planning and problem solving. In other research, the conclusions support the premise that happy employees are more productive and perform better in their jobs. Note for great CEOs.

The game is being claimed as a channel to bring joy to the little ones. André Stern in his book Play focuses on the game as a tool for enjoyment while at the same time leading us to high-quality learning. Inma Martin in Shall we play? It talks to us about recreational activity as an activity that leads us to experience difficulties as challenges and isn't that what joy is about, about attitude?

In addition to playing, we can help our children to be aware of joy and, as a consequence, to be happy. Álvaro Bilbao in The child's brain explained to parents gives us some advice that you may carry out without realizing it.

– Value with children the fact of having hobbies and activities that they enjoy until they lose track of time. And if you have them, feel lucky.

– Direct children's attention towards the positive. To liven up dinner, ask them what three happy things happened to them during the day. And do the same exercise yourself. You will pay greater awareness to the positive, you will know what makes others happy and you will leave television aside.

– You are not the genie in the lamp so you should not satisfy all the wishes that the child expresses. A new toy can come with a rush of happiness, but a rush that can wear off in a few minutes. If that toy really is something important, we have to get the child to appreciate it. It's not one more. By not fulfilling all their desires, we convey to them that happiness is not always in what we do not have and that we cannot have everything we want. 

Little by little they will be able to appreciate that people feel happy for who they are, for their experiences and for their relationships with others and the bonds and relationships that are generated.

So forget about smiling only when you hear 'fooooto' and smile. Smile for and for you.

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