Categories: Omni-leisure



What opinion do we have of our young people? What do they expect from the community? These are questions that have been transmitted from generation to generation without a clear opinion. Do we have an answer today?

Young people are considered to be boys and girls between 15 and 24 years old, those included in the generation zo postmillennials. It is a generation that was born and has grown up with the internet. The Tablet or smartphone are part of your anatomy. The dominance of technology has led to changing the way they relate and express themselves. As does demanding immediate satisfaction. It has turned them into multitasking subjects where not carrying out more than 3 actions at the same time is wasting time; yes, dedicating minimal attention to each of these tasks. This generation stands out for its activism and social conscience. They have shouldered responsibilities with which they have earned the respect of the rest of society.

Today more than ever, in the world youth day, seeks to promote the active role that youth has in our community; It is time not only to give them a voice but also to listen to what they have to say, what they have been trying to say for a long time.




Did you know ….?

– According to the ILO, one in six young people has lost their job due to the COVID crisis.

– According to estimates, 600 million jobs should be created in the next 15 years to cover young workers.

– And inevitably hand in hand comes the fact that their independence and autonomy, their personal development, the formation of a family, their participation in society… are persistently in question and there is no data to support a better future. Does the synopsis of the film sound familiar to you?


Therefore, empowering our young people is essential. The United Nations has chosen the motto “youth commitment for global action” for this World Youth Day. Young people can be the most powerful weapon of progress when they are given the necessary training and opportunities; when they are allowed to sit in the right place; when the microphone is given to them.

The environment and sustainability is one of its emblems and as a great representative it is Greta Thunberg, a face well known to everyone. As an example of an action proposal, young people advocate the incorporation into formal teaching of everything related to climate change, sustainability and globalization with the effects that it entails for the planet and young people.



Girls and young women, gender equality, universal education for girls is a fight that generation z has made very much their own. Here we have as a faithful example Malala YousafzaiIf you don't know her yet, don't wait any longer and discover this great young woman in the documentary. 'He named me, Malala'

The role of technology can be decisive in this progress. It is not just that the young people live with it, it is that they have developed aptitudes for it. Technology can play a very important role in bridging differences and building bridges.



The objective is to achieve the participation of young people both at the local or community level and at the national level. Involving young people in politics at a formal level can put an end to many discrepancies and anomalies that distance citizens from their governments and from the writing of the rules they will have to comply with. They can bury the disastrous opinion that these generations usually have of their governors and achieve real interest and commitment. They can bring laws closer to current reality.

Can we have a different future for our young people or will we repeat the argument with this generation as well?


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