Categories: Omni-leisure

Who have a friend, have a treasure…



Who have a friend, have a treasure… or so it is said... but more than a treasure what is covered is a basic need, since a friend is not really a luxury, it is something of first necessity for the optimal development and emotional balance of the person, as has been demonstrated in numerous investigations, such as that of Michigan State University

Today World Friend's Day, we reclaim friendship and its benefits for the person throughout life.

Friends awaken authenticity in the person, the feeling of belonging to a group, also contributing; the development of self-confidence, nobility, help, solidarity, understanding despite differences, listening, playing and having fun.

For all this, nothing more and nothing less... than the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2016, within the "Culture of Peace" treaty, recognized "the relevance and importance of friendship as a noble and valuable sentiment in the lives of people." human beings from all over the world" and decided to convene the International Friendship Day, based on the initiative carried out years ago by the Argentine Enrique Ernesto in 1969, to celebrate the date on which the moon was reached for the first time, as a symbol of brotherhood and union between humanity.

And it is said that friends are the family that the person themselves chooses. Since there are friendships that last a lifetime and thanks to their presence and support, a person can more easily overcome difficult moments or overcome personal and professional challenges.

Friendship develops and takes on a different value depending on age. and that from an early age it is positive to cultivate it so that boys and girls develop social relationships and learn to live together in a community. Below, we give you some tips to help cultivate friendship in boys and girls at every moment of their development:

So that the youngest boys and girls know what friendship is and are more extroverted (always respecting their way of being since there are boys and girls who are more shy or selective with the people who approach them...) it is good that parents and mothers, let us be an example, be happy when faced with calls from friends or meetings with neighbors or people from the neighborhood or celebrations with friends at home or outside.

It is also advisable to generate meetings with peers, share spaces with other boys and girls, establishing, these days, preventive health measures in these times of pandemic. In this way, they will gradually develop social relationships that allow them to learn to live together in a community.

As they grow and go to school, parks or extracurricular activities, boys and girls find others to play with and learn to share or defend their toys and play area. Our role as family members, teachers or monitors is to be an example of openness to people and a model for establishing positive and joyful relationships, without forcing the children, simply introducing them and highlighting the common things that you detect between the children and girls from a group.

From the age of 7, friends begin to be the epicenter of the interests, games and confidences of boys and girls... until adolescence in which "the group" will become EVERYONE and the basic and essential for that boy or girl who is saying goodbye to childhood and begins to show and tell everyone “here I am and this is my group.” For them, mobile devices are an essential accessory and tool to establish contact with friends. And among the influence of YouTubers, fashions at the hands of influencers, a great need for recognition is established for each adolescent, hence the care and prevention necessary from childhood for their digital communication and movement on social networks in which they share dances, experiences and photographs to show their worth and maintain contact with the group.

We do not consider that today's teenagers are more solitary or absorbed by new technologies, we simply see in our activities and camps that these have become for them a tool to be more present "at all times" with their friends... Therefore, in this phase in which adults think that “we paint very little”… We always recommend maintaining closeness with them, listening, presence for any conflict that arises and understanding, we will be able to remain close to them and them and help them in this stage. To do this, it is good to take your mind back and remember that we have all gone through that phase of dressing (horribly or exaggeratedly) according to fashion, being from an urban tribe or hearing from adults “you always pay more attention to your friends than your parents”…

In youth, friendships become great emotional support and the expansion of the family, if it has been cultivated through care for others, contact and mutual help, these relationships become an unconditional element in our daily lives. . Their daily presence is no longer needed, but knowing that they are close and that you yourself will be there for anything is the feeling and energy that turns a person into someone who is social and who cultivates kindness and peaceful coexistence, something that in These days it is a priority to maintain that twinned community that EE Febbraro celebrated.

Therefore, we suggest that you write, call and even meet (with mask on and gel in hand) with your friends and let them know that “he who has a friend has a treasure.”

Happy day friends and friends!!!

PS: Can you tell us your action to remind your friends that they are important and their reaction? Or take a photo with it and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #diadelamigo and @omniocio

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