Categories: Omni-leisure

Rainbow Card

From the Rooms that we manage we miss you very much, and we are looking forward to seeing you again and being able to play and have fun together as we usually do...

Meanwhile, to liven up the quarantine and keep your creativity active, we propose a simple activity with which you can say how much we have missed that friend, teacher or family member that we have not been able to see during the quarantine, but that We never stop remembering him or her.

The craft that we want to make is nothing more and nothing less than a rainbow card, our instructor Paula, whom many of you will know, explains how to do it in the video we leave you below. Deploy all your artistic skills and we'll get to work...

The necessary materials are:


Once we have all the materials ready, we can begin with the craft step by step. Our colleague Paula explains it to us in detail in this video… Are you ready?



  1. First we download and print the rainbow templateWe can also draw it ourselves... it's very easy!!!
  2. Once we have the rainbow, we begin to color it with the technique that you like the most until it is in full color.
  3. We cut out the rainbow.
  4. We paste it on a piece of cardboard or paper and fold it in half.
  5. We take another sheet of paper and cut it in half horizontally and fold it into six parts of about 2 or 3 cm.
  6. We draw the silhouette of half a person and cut it out. We will have a chain of three people left when we unfold it.
  7. And we draw our characters and color them... here you can show all your creativity!!!
  8. We glued them at the ends to the card where we had glued the rainbow as we showed you in the video.
  9. And finally, we write a personalized message to the person to whom our card will be addressed.


It's very easy! 

We hope you have as much fun as when you come to visit us at the Room doing this activity from home...

See you soon!

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