Categories: Omni-leisure




  • Summer + vacations + trips x destinations that do not accept pets = animals abandoned on roads or open fields.

  • Beginning of school year + responsibilities outside the home + lack of responsibility + lack of commitment = animals abandoned in the streets, kennels or delivered to adoption homes.

  • Christmas gift + new implications for caring for the “gift” + realizing that it is more than a toy + food and veterinary expenses that were not planned = abandoned animals. 


These three operations are just examples of the thousands of pet abandonment situations that occur in any country. For this reason, August 15, International Day of Homeless Animals, reminds us and raises awareness of the possible causes of the abandonment of pets and wild animals that also end up living in houses to later be “released” into an ecosystem. that is not your own. 


For this reason, we want to contribute our grain of sand on this day and bring you closer to the story of Canela and Anaïs, who takes her in temporarily, to help her find a family to take care of her. Could it be yours?: 



“Canela was born in a town in the province of Huelva, in an unwanted litter. So she was separated from her mother and siblings to be given to a child. This child's parents didn't really want dogs, so they turned all the responsibility of caring for Canela onto their son. It turned out that the boy cared for her and loved her while Canela was a puppy, but when she grew up, she stopped being attractive to the boy and he stopped taking her out and feeding her. Therefore, the mother decided to give Canela to Tere, a woman who collected dogs to find a home for them. 


And that's how Canela found a temporary foster home for a few months, but the lady she was with got sick and couldn't continue giving Canela the walks she needs. 


From @teayudamosaadoptarfulanitadog they decided to help Tere with Canela, taking care of her expenses and publishing her case on networks to find someone suitable for adoption.


We lost our dog Gala at the beginning of June and our other dog Shelby was not eating well, we were not prepared to adopt another dog, but seeing how the cases of abandonment were increasing after the end of confinement and the beginning of summer, we decided to be temporary shelter home. In this way, we would be a small shelter for those dogs that are looking for a forever home and that do not deserve to be in a pound, waiting for a sacrifice if they are not adopted within a certain time. 



At that time, we met the Association on social media, I investigated their work and got in touch with them. Lara, in particular, told us about the dogs they had to foster and their stories, and we looked for the one that would be the best in our family. He told us about Canela, sent us a photo and we fell in love. Lara organized the transfer of Canela from Huelva to Madrid and after 4 days he was already home. 


Canela has a very good character, she is affectionate, playful and very happy. She became owner of the couch and Shelby's friend instantly. He is just over 1 year old, he has lived with dogs and cats, and even babies without any problems. 


She needs an active family, who goes out to the mountains, who gives her good walks, and above all who will love her as much as she is capable of loving. 


I'm sure you won't regret giving Canela a chance.” 



Maybe, if you read this article, you are thinking about adopting a pet. We encourage you to do so, but please, before doing so, you must analyze if your family is prepared for its adoption and if you will be able to assume all the implications that an animal entails. 


It will help you to talk to the association about care during the animal's life and even moments that should be taught with special patience and affection. With all the information, value the family moment and the involvement that you will all have in the care of the animal. 


If you are determined and are moved by Canela's story, you can help Anaïs and make your family the definitive home that this dog needs. If so, contact Anaïs by private message on Instagram @anaisgherreros or with the association @teayudamosaadoptarfulanitadog


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