Categories: Omni-leisure




Mid-August, those days when the excitement of adults' well-deserved rest is irremediably connected with the nerves of what it entails. “back to school and routine” of the boys and girls. Although... according to the latest news, that return to school may possibly be delayed. 

A family agenda is not complete this month without the shopping list and organization of uniforms, books, adhesive lining, educational platform updates, clothing labels, backpacks, agendas, pens and paints... 

The most forward-thinking, already in July had purchased the books for the new course and planned the self-adhesive labels. But for many the titanic task begins now... 

But... there are times when we forget to add to that agenda less material and very necessary actions so that this return to the school routine is more bearable and does not turn September into the month par excellence of: morning tantrums, breakfasts in the car, forgetfulness of chores or with fights over the bathroom or not picking up toys at the end of the day.

Therefore, whatever the routine we will face in September with "going back to school or not", it is advisable to start resuming family habits now so that September is less hard and family coexistence is balanced. 



What do we recommend? A good dose of patience and humor to face the first days and some habits and commitments communicated and agreed upon as a family, such as the following:

  • Gently wake up the boys and girls, ensure their morning hygiene habits and eating a good breakfast, preferably with family and calmly, which serves to give them encouragement for the new day. 

  • Begin to structure a small routine of activity times (without having to be rigid and set schedules) such as: preparing breakfast, outside play time, activities together, free play alone, music and song time, TV time, food, stories and reading, snacks... to help boys and girls integrate a school routine again, whether incorporating classroom attendance or online sessions and learning at home.

  • Have moments to talk and discuss, especially with the little ones, the beginning of “school” with their teacher, friends, their worries, their nerves. Treat these topics with a lot of understanding and affection to offer them security and pay full attention to what they tell you and how they tell it to be able to connect with confidence, without belittling their concern.  

  • Prepare together each day some of that school material and clothing, so that they get involved and feel responsible for their things. 

  • Establish or recover habits and rules such as: helping with housework, setting and clearing the table for eating, covering markers after using them, cleaning the table after painting or playing, picking up toys at the end of the play session... hygiene before and after eating; reduce screen and television time, go to the park...

  • Ensure proper rest by starting to set the time to go to bed and the time to wake up.  

  • We as mothers and fathers must begin to keep an agenda and list tasks, write down small actions for extracurricular activities, birthdays or times to do the shopping or household chores, to improve our organization and thus also transmit tranquility and avoid last-minute nerves ( although we all know that it is not always possible), given the accumulation of tasks and pending things. And among all these tasks, don't forget to set (because otherwise they will be forgotten) moments for each person and for the couple to stay connected and successfully overcome each week. 


This recommendation to start now with these actions is to do it gradually, calmly, being flexible and having time to transmit and be an example, since routine and September... "is a harsh reality for everyone." In this way we will avoid the arrival of strict rules on the first “day of school” and the beginning of the morning races, the rush, the schedules, the backpacks and the sudden change in the rhythm of the little ones; which would result in tantrums, delays and crying for everyone in the family, regardless of age. 

Returning to routine is hard for everyone, adding this “new normal” situation along with the personal challenges that we always set for the new course. 

Think about what it costs you to resume your work schedule and daily rhythm of tasks and how your best version would do it, to try to make it a reality and improve family life. That is a good challenge for the new course, right?

Do you have any tricks to make going back to school more bearable? Do you organize ahead or procrastinate until the beginning of September? We read you!


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